داستان آبیدیک

time window


1 کامپیوتر و شبکه:: پنجره زمانی

For each time window, a correlation matrix of node features is created using Pearson's correlation coefficient and the principal eigenvector is computed. If the current behavior is found to be significantly different from recent past, current time window is flagged as anomalous and reported as an event has occurred. In order to detect anomalous time windows, a linear ramp filter is applied on the residual matrices, and then partial eigen decom- position is performed. NetSpot alternates between detecting the subgraph that maximizes the anomaly score for a given time window and detecting the time window that maximizes the score for a given subgraph. The al- gorithm outputs the regions of the network whose anomaly scores are higher than a threshold value along with their respective time windows.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 برق و الکترونیک:: پنجره زمانی

4. hand-held with wake-up pulse in time window. Read-out device with wake-up signal in the time window: The disadvantage of the simplified process which has just been described, namely that owing to other devices transmitting in the same frequency band which do not belong to the system the meters can be continuously requested to transmit the meter readings and thus in turn the batteries of the meters are discharged more rapidly, can be reduced by allowing the meters only to be ready for receiving the wake-up signal within a specific time, eg, on a certain day in the year when the 'reader' drives to the real estate with the portable read-out device to take the meter reading. The synchronization of the service with the time window must be ensured, Corresponding reserves must also be taken into account when defining the time window. Read-out device with wake-up signal in the time window:

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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